Urea OC(ND_2)_2
K.Parlinski and G.Chapuis,
Calculations of the phonon dispersion curves of
OC(ND_2)_2, and
from generic force field,
J.Chem.Phys. 110, 6406-6411 (1999).
Crystal: Urea OC(ND_2)_2
Software: MSI, Crystal Builder, Force Field, Minimizer
Space group: cubic,
Lattice constnts: a=5.239, c=4.450 angst.
Supercell: 2x2x2
Force field: Dreiding
Potential: Ewald, VdW: spline, arithmetic LJ12-6
Phonon dispersion relations of urea OC(ND_2)_2:
Phonon dispersion relations of urea OC(ND_2)_2
compared with inelastic neutron measurements
(J.Lefebvre, M.More, R.Fouret, B.Hennion, and R.Currat,
J.Phys.C 8, 2011 (1975)):